

1.1 Use legacy credentials

When you visit the site for the first time, you may log in with your username and password from the previous Ingram Micro Site.

  • Ingram Micro will ask you to accept the new site's terms and conditions and may ask if you're the sole person using the log-in credentials.
  • You may then personalize the log-in information by entering your first name, last name, and email address.

By entering your information, you will be able to access and take advantage of all available personalization option, such as the configurable dashboard, quote and order summaries, saved searches, and enjoy increased security.

Create new credentials from legacy

if you share credentials, Ingram Micro will ask you to update them to a unique username and password, as well as your first name, last name, and email address. This will allow you to take full advantage of the new site's personalized features and enjoy increased security.


1.2 Forgotten passwords

If you forget your password, please follow next steps:

  • Go to the Ingram Micro Log-in page and click "Forgot Password?"
  • Enter your username and email address; then click OK
  • Answer the challenge question you set up previously and click Get My Password.
    Your answer is not case sensitive.
  • You will receive an immediate email with a temporary password that you will need to modify when you log in.

If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact your company's account administrator or


1.3 Create a new password

You may change your password at any time.

  • Click My Account > My Profile > Account Information.
  • Enter your current password.
  • Enter your new password (must contain a minimum of 7 characters and must include at least one capital and one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character such as !$#&@, etc).
  • Enter the new password again in the Confirm Password field.
  • Click Save.

If you have any questions about how to create a new password, please contact your company's account administrator or


1.4 Forgotten username

if you forget your username, please contact your company's account administrator or 

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